Tutorials ========= The tutorials are written as jupyter `notebooks` - browser based Python kernels to run, document, and visualize code (`https://jupyter.org/ `_). If you installed Python using Anaconda, it is possible that jupyter is already installed (check with :code:`jupyter --version` - you should see something like :code:`notebook : 6.4.11` in the list that appears). If no list appears, your need to install jupyter notebook first. Instructions ------------ 1. Install phenopype` (see `installation instructions `_) and :code:`jupyter notebook` (:code:`pip install jupyter notebook`). 2. `Download `_ and unpack the github archive containing the data and code. 3. Open a terminal in the unpacked folder - don't forget to activate your conda environment (see warning below). 4. Start the notebooks with :code:`jupyter notebook` and click on one of the tutorial files (your browser might give you a security warning - you can ignore it). 5. Run the code cell by cell inside the browser window (Shift + Enter to run cell and advance). .. warning:: Make sure you install jupyter notebook to your specific environment (i.e. activate it first using :code:`conda activate pp`. If not installed in a specific environment, running :code:`jupyter notebook` will fall back on the conda base environment where phenopype may not be installed (this is a common source of confusion). Tutorials (read-only) --------------------- Below are the read-only html versions of the code contained in the notebooks - to run them yourself, follow the above instructions. If you want to use the notebooks as a blueprint for your own project, you can also save them as a Python script from a running jupyter notebook using :code:`File > Download as > Python (.py)`. | .. grid:: 2 :gutter: 2 .. grid-item-card:: Tutorial 1 :link: tutorial_1/ A (very) brief python introduction - Python modules - Paths and directories - Images in Python .. grid-item-card:: Tutorial 2 :link: tutorial_2/ Interacting with images in phenopype - Window control - Opening images - Creating masks .. grid-item-card:: Tutorial 3 :link: tutorial_3/ Image analysis workflow - Overview - Low throughput - High throughput .. grid-item-card:: Tutorial 4 :link: tutorial_4/ The Pype class - Operation - Configuratiob templates - YAML-syntax .. grid-item-card:: Tutorial 5 :link: tutorial_5/ Setting up and managing projects - Project directories - Adding images and configs - Collecting results .. grid-item-card:: Tutorial 6 :link: tutorial_6/ Creating and detecting a reference - Setting project wide size references - Detecting size references .. grid-item-card:: Tutorial 7 :link: tutorial_7/ Video analysis - Motion tracker class - Tracking methods .. toctree:: :hidden: tutorials/tutorial_1 tutorials/tutorial_2 tutorials/tutorial_3 tutorials/tutorial_4 tutorials/tutorial_5 tutorials/tutorial_6 tutorials/tutorial_7