.. raw:: html
phenopype A phenotyping pipeline for Python

| Welcome to the phenopype documentation! | This site contains installation instructions, an autogenerated API-reference, links to tutorials and more resources revolving around Python and computer vision. If something is unclear, if you find a mistake, or if you have ideas for improving the docs, please `raise an issue `_ in the phenopype github repository. | .. grid:: 2 :gutter: 2 .. grid-item-card:: Quickstart :link: quickstart/ Getting started with phenopype .. grid-item-card:: Installation :link: installation/ Detailed installation instructions .. grid-item-card:: API reference :link: api/ All functions and classes explained .. grid-item-card:: Tutorials :link: tutorials/ Step by step feature demonstration .. grid-item-card:: Templates :link: templates/ Configuration templates for ``Pype`` .. grid-item-card:: Resources :link: resources/ Information on OpenCV, Python, etc. .. grid-item-card:: Citation :link: citation/ How to cite phenopype .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: :caption: Internal links quickstart installation/index api/index tutorials templates/index resources/index citation